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Silent Authority, The Path to Thought Leadership and Success | Full Book

Writer's picture: Ben SteenstraBen Steenstra

Updated: Aug 27, 2024



In recent decades, only a few individuals have made a transformative impact on the world with their entrepreneurship, vision, and perseverance. While there have been many successful entrepreneurs with innovative ideas, these iconic figures stand out for their ability to disruptively and therefore radically change not just one, but several industries.

A striking example is, of course, Steve Jobs, who transformed the computer from a functional device into a design object for the living room. He revolutionised the music industry, developed the smartphone, and changed the animation industry forever with Pixar.

Another influential and well-known personality is Richard Branson. After his adventures in the music industry, where he hosted some of the biggest artists in his studio, he has inspired many people with his vision of meaning and a healthy work-life balance. Moreover, he has redefined the concept of travel, especially air travel. With Virgin Galactic, he now even offers space travel.

Elon Musk is also involved in these space adventures. Prior to this, he revolutionised the world of online payments, elevated the electric car to a new standard, and plays a major role as an investor in technologies such as Chat-GPT.

On 5 July 1994, visionary Jeff Bezos started an online bookstore behind a small desk. Since then, Amazon has forever changed the way it sells online, publishes books and hosts websites or data. So has Jack Ma, who with Alibaba has the most extraordinary products delivered right to your front door.

Two men not to be missed in this list either are Larry Page and Sergey Brin. As developers of the world's largest search engine, they and their parent company Alphabet have been at the forefront of many innovative developments and products. They did this sometimes through their own product developments and sometimes through acquisitions. One of the most famous acquisitions is of course YouTube, but Alphabet also introduced the Google Nest, a smart thermostat that has now become the standard in many living rooms thanks to many copies.

A handful of titans, along with a few others, have dramatically changed our world. You might think their success is due to their timing, their character, work ethic, a bit of luck and the way they realise their ideas. Simon Sinek, in his 'Golden Circle' theory, explains that their success comes from knowing why they do what they do. While all these factors certainly play a role, there is perhaps an even more important element that contributes to the extraordinary success and huge influence of these very diverse individuals. They and their companies were certainly silent authorities in their early stages.

Simon Sineks Golden Circle & Silent Authority

Like Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield of Ben & Jerry's, Teun van de Keuken of Tony's Chocolonely, Brian Smith, the introducer of Ugg boots and many others, in the early years they did not shout from the rooftops how great they, their company or their products were. They simply existed and were authentic in their being. In doing so, they made a difference. They didn't have to prove themselves or say much about themselves or their products; others did that for them.

I have been in the world of branding, positioning, advertising, marketing and strategy for more than 30 years, and have had the privilege of working for a wide range of companies. These range from start-ups to the largest multinationals. What always strikes me is a recurring pattern. Companies that achieve rapid success are often led by what I call 'silent authorities', and they ensure that their business also exudes this silent authority. With a few exceptions, these are remarkable people. Not because they want to seem special or pursue an image, but because of their unique view of the world and people. This can sometimes lead to behaviour that seems unworldly, inappropriate or even anti-social in the eyes of some. However, this is not conscious, but an expression of their authenticity.

Take Steve Jobs, for example, who for years wanted nothing to do with his daughter, or Elon Musk, who is a father of 10 children to three different women, while he hardly seems to have time to sleep. Each of these entrepreneurs has something authentic. They care little about what others think of them, and that alone gives them a certain authority. But because they don't flaunt their personality, I call this 'silent authority'.

Silent authority is about standing out and being seen for who you are, what you do and what you have to offer, without being ashamed, bragging about it or being in the limelight. These people possess the ability to get others to shine the spotlight on them without asking for it themselves. These kinds of people and businesses do not need to hire influencers. They don't even want to. In fact, influencers and other people on social media like to talk about these people, their businesses and products anyway.

Silent authority stands in stark contrast to the bombastic communication that floods us daily. Amid the noisy websites, banners and luminous billboards that weary our eyes, the true titans of this world choose a different path. They let their expertise, products or services speak for themselves. They act stoically, true to their vision, values, skills and passion, without worrying about being noticed. This way of communicating, despite the sometimes unworldly idiosyncrasies of the founders, generates a lot of sympathy, respect, admiration and, above all, curiosity. Because who has not once wondered how these titans achieved their immense success where others failed?

Bombastic Communication

This article explains why silent authority works, how becoming and being it is a choice, how it works and how it can be the driving force to create immense appeal and success as a startup as well as an established business. It is a blueprint for standing out within today's communications violence and applicable to almost any business looking to position itself.



It is not without reason that silent authority is gaining traction and recognition in this day and age as a guide to positive impact and success. Amid the abundance of superficiality that often characterises social media and marketing, our craving for authenticity is growing as a welcome counterpart. We have gradually become immune to the endless stream of self-glorification and excessive praise of products and services.

Take, for example, the 'well-known' Influencer proclaiming on Instagram that the latest electric toothbrush is the miracle product that will make you never have to go to the dentist again. But seriously, who still takes that for granted? Then you have the birthday parties where my living room fills up with some people who have just returned from some life-changing course or retreat in Ibiza or Thailand. They praise it to everyone, whether one asks about it or not. And in no time you see the same person bursting into tears over a recent minor argument with a friend, only to proclaim that she has learned to embrace her emotions, as her guru advised during the retreat. An experience that, although it made her spend 5,000 euros, would supposedly make her more resilient.

When I first discovered Facebook, I was particularly excited about the possibility of reconnecting with people I had not seen for a long time. It was nice to make connections or just stay involved from a distance, until the time came to meet in real life again, with plenty of conversation because I was aware of their life events.

However, that was in the early days of Facebook. Nowadays, when I open a social media platform, it seems like I can hardly find anyone real, while I am inundated with all kinds of information. Everyone has an opinion on everything, and while I am curious to hear your take on things, I am simultaneously bombarded with ads, news updates, clickable links and invitations to all kinds of webinars and events.

I get overwhelmed by information and lose track completely, with one voice shouting even louder than the other. This makes it all the more challenging to discern true quality and authenticity, which actually makes me more drawn to modesty.

There has also been a striking evolution in leadership. The barking, authoritarian boss or manager, who used to show dominance by imposing his will loudly and clearly, is giving way to leaders who lead with empathy and authenticity. People are more willing to engage with someone who conveys sincerity and passion, someone who acts from their own values and vision, rather than leaning on power and authority or claiming 'that's the way it should be, because those are the protocols'. This new type of leader stays true to themselves and inspires others, without falling back on intimidation or the strict enforcement of rules to achieve their goals.

Now, of course, I can believe and think all sorts of things, but that says little at first. In my first advertising agency, an expression was: 'What you find, you bring to department lost objects'. Not because you can't give your opinion, gladly, but because just having an opinion is often not enough if you can't back it up with facts. Fortunately, therefore, I am also not alone in what I believe and think.

Back in 2012, Jahn & Kunz conducted research into the impact of social media on consumers' purchasing behaviour and even then it was clear that people were increasingly sceptical about the claims of influencers and various marketing statements. The preference was for authenticity and substance over attractiveness. Evidently, consumers are not that crazy!

On the leadership front, more recent research also shows that authenticity is preferred by employees. A study by Kakkar & Sivanathan in 2021 found that dominant leadership can have benefits at most in crisis situations, but this behaviour can also undermine motivation and mutual willingness to help. Their series of eight studies, with 147,780 observations, found that leaders who were themselves were preferred and exuded not only authenticity but even humility.

The success behind silent authority

So in today's era, when our landscape and even our living room is dominated by the relentless din of bombastic advertising and the incessant self-promotion of companies and individuals, a new form of influence is emerging: silent authority. This term denotes an authentic power, an unchallenged credibility that cannot be measured in decibels or digital impressions, but in the depth of its impact on society.

In the shadows of screaming neon lights and digital banners, where the real value and quality of work resides, this silent authority flourishes. It is a world where companies like Patagonia and Warby Parker do not just sell products, but communicate value, integrity and an innovative vision. Their communication is not a noisy parade of self-glorification, but a modest expression of their deeply held principles and beliefs.

This principle of silent authority is also found in individuals like Warren Buffett and J.K. Rowling. They embody the rare combination of success and humility, with their actions and achievements saying more than any advertising campaign ever could. Buffett, with his simple lifestyle and thoughtful investment strategies, and Rowling, with her personal story of struggle and triumph, have both left an indelible impression in their respective fields.

The authenticity of these silent authorities generates powerful trust among consumers and followers. This trust is not the result of aggressive marketing or flamboyant self-promotion, but the natural consequence of their sincerity, their commitment to true values and their unshakeable belief in their mission. Their stories, not constructed but authentic, speak to the heart and elicit a deeper emotional response than the superficial glitz of traditional advertising.

Silent authorities offer a haven of integrity and reliability. It is a beacon of hope in a sea of superficiality, a reminder that true influence comes not from how loudly one speaks, but from the authenticity and value of what one has to say. This approach, rooted in authenticity and sincerity, promises to make a lasting impact in an age of fleeting attention and short-lived trends.

But what exactly is the appeal and success behind silent authority? It has to do with a combination of 5 factors; Their focus on quality, inspiring rather than manipulating, creating curiosity and intrigue, long-term impact and connection, innovation and disruption and thus becoming a thought leader.

Become a thought leader
The appeal of a silent authority

1. Focus on quality

Where others emphasise loudly propagating success, silent authorities take a different path to recognition, influence and success: the path of quality focus. Indeed, they are driven by an unwavering commitment to the substance and quality of their work and walk this path with a determination that extends beyond the superficial glare of flashy success.

These dedicated individuals and businesses choose to distance themselves from the hustle and bustle of aggressive marketing and bombastic self-promotion. Instead, they put their heart and soul into the essence of their work, believing that true quality will triumph in the end. Their focus is not on advertising their achievements, but on perfecting their products and services, refining their craft and deepening their knowledge.

This approach, though often less visible in the public spotlight, slowly but surely builds a foundation of trust and respect. Clients, partners and colleagues are beginning to recognise that these silent authorities not only speak of quality, but actually embody it in everything they do. Their reputation for competence and reliability is built not on loud claims or flamboyant promises, but on the quiet strength of consistent performance and unwavering commitment.

Over time, as trends come and go and marketing campaigns fade into the background, the achievements of these silent authorities stand tall as towers of reliability and excellence. Their name becomes synonymous with quality, not because they proclaim it themselves, but because others - their satisfied customers, their respectful colleagues - do it for them.

This creates a deeper form of recognition, one rooted in the reality of what one has achieved, not in the illusion of what one claims to be. This form of recognition is more enduring, influential and ultimately more fulfilling than the fleeting attention gained through aggressive marketing. It is recognition that is not just heard, but felt in the hearts of those who recognise the value of genuine craftsmanship and authentic commitment.

Canva was founded in 2012. Their success is largely due to their focus on delivering an intuitive and user-friendly design experience for non-professional designers. Instead of focusing on extensive advertising campaigns, Canva has focused on developing a high-quality product that is responsive to the needs of its users. Their approach to design democratisation has ensured organic growth, focusing on word-of-mouth and user satisfaction.

This strategy has earned Canva a strong reputation within the community of digital designers and non-professional users looking for a simple graphic design solution. Canva is thus seen as a reliable and accessible tool in the world of digital design, making it an example of silent authority in its sector.

2. Inspiration rather than manipulation

In the world of silent authorities, it is not manipulation but inspiration that takes centre stage. This principle aligns closely with the thinking of Simon Sinek, who argues that people don't buy what you do, but why you do it. It is about the alignment of belief and purpose between the entrepreneur and the target audience. When this synchronicity is achieved, the deal is closed, so to speak, and followers emerge.

Silent authorities understand the power of inspiration. They realise that their true influence lies not in loudly proclaiming their successes or highlighting their capabilities, but in conveying their deeper motivations and beliefs. It is about sharing a vision that finds resonance with the target audience, a vision that tells not only what is being done, but more importantly why it is being done.

Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard is a good example of this. He has always emphasised the importance of protecting nature and promoting environmentally friendly production methods. Instead of focusing on aggressive marketing strategies or loudly proclaiming their products, Patagonia uses their business platform to create awareness about environmental issues and take action against climate change.

This approach to inspiration leads to an authentic connection with the audience. It creates a bond that goes beyond mere commercial transactions; it builds relationships based on shared values and common goals. In this dynamic, people consciously choose a product or service not just for its practical benefits, but because they believe in what it represents and the vision it conveys.

The success of silent authorities, reinforced by this second pillar of inspiration, proves that true influence comes not from the imposition of ideas, but from the ability to move others with a compelling and sincere vision. In an age where consumers are becoming increasingly discerning and aware, this proves to be the key to sustainable impact and true connection.

3. Focus on curiosity and mysticism

Founded in 1988 by Belgian designer Martin Margiela, clothing brand Maison Margiela is known for its innovative and unconventional designs, which often push the boundaries of the fashion industry.

Main page of Fashion Brand Maison Margiela

What makes Maison Margiela special is not only their unique style, but also the way they communicate. Martin Margiela himself has always shunned publicity; he rarely gave interviews and rarely appeared in public. This reticence created an aura of mystery and curiosity around the brand and the designer. People were intrigued by the person behind the revolutionary designs and by the brand's philosophy.

The spotlight is often on the loudest players. But this also creates an intriguing phenomenon around those who move successfully in the shadows. These silent authorities, usually minimised in words but maximised in actions, arouse an undeniable curiosity and mystique.

These individuals and companies, who choose not to expose their stories to the general public, are enveloped in a veil of mystery. The public may hear whispers of their achievements, see the fruits of their labour, but do not know the full story behind these successes. This partial ignorance fuels curiosity, stimulates the imagination, creates a form of mysticism and invites further exploration.

In a world where information is often so accessible and abundant, the unknown becomes a rarity that attracts attention. When one hears less about a person or organisation but clearly perceives the impact of their work, a natural urge to discover more arises. Who are they? What drives them? How did they reach these heights without blowing the trumpets of self-promotion?

This curiosity and mysticism are powerful tools in the hands of silent authorities. They create a magnetic effect, drawing people into discovering their story of their own accord. This is in contrast to those who are constantly in the spotlight, where the audience often becomes immune to their constant self-aggrandisement.

Moreover, when the veil is finally lifted and the stories of these silent authorities are revealed, the impact is all the more powerful. Discovering the depth and richness of their experiences, often marked by humility and genuine dedication, leaves a lasting impression. The respect and admiration that results from these revelations are often much deeper and more lasting than the superficial admiration that arises for those who are constantly in the spotlight.

Thus, the curiosity and mysticism that surround silent authorities becomes not only a source of interest, but also a foundation for deep respect and genuine appreciation. In their silence lies their strength; in their unfamiliarity, their allure.

4. Long-lasting connection and impact

Where the echoes of fleeting promotions and momentary attention fade quickly, there is a more subtle but significantly more powerful form of influence that plants its roots deep in time: the long-lasting impact of silent authority. This form of influence, unobtrusive but indelible, is distinguished by its ability to leave lasting traces in people's hearts and minds and that creates a bond.

Silent authorities choose not to participate in the battle for immediate attention, but instead focus on cultivating a deep connection with their audience through their work and performance. Instead of relying on noisy and often fleeting advertising campaigns, they build their reputation through consistency, integrity and exceptional performance.

Apple, founded in 1976, has distinguished itself through its innovative technology, sleek design and high-quality products. Instead of focusing on aggressive sales strategies, Apple has always emphasised designing user-friendly, aesthetically pleasing and technologically advanced products. Their product launches and marketing campaigns are often subtle and focused on highlighting the quality and uniqueness of their products.

Apple has never - and will never - use aggressive marketing methodologies such as discounts. Only once a year do they discount 10% and that is during Black Friday. Any retailer that does discount on days other than during Black Friday may immediately stop selling Apple products.

Apple's approach of creating products that integrate seamlessly into users' daily lives has built a loyal customer base. Apple users value not only the functionality of the products, but also the design and overall user experience. This has led to strong brand loyalty and an almost cult-like following.

This approach resonates with audiences at a deeper level. When people are genuinely touched by the work or achievements of an individual or organisation, it becomes part of their experience and consciousness. Such impressions do not result from an imposed marketing strategy, but from a natural appreciation and recognition of quality and value.

For example, take a look at and video of Jony Ive, the former Chief Design Officer (CDO) at Apple Inc. He played a crucial role in the design of many iconic Apple products, including the iPhone, iPod, iPad, MacBook, and the iMac, and knows how to talk about their product line like no other.

The impact of silent authority is similar to reading a profound book or experiencing a work of art that continues to inspire thought and conversation long after it has been experienced. This form of influence is sustainable because it is based on real merit, not superficial images or slogans.

Silent authorities provide an anchor of meaning and relevance. It is a beacon of stability in a sea of changeability, a source of confidence in a world of uncertainty. When the dust clouds of today's advertising stunts descend, the achievements and legacy of silent authorities continue to shine bright and untouchable.

Thus, the long-lasting impact of silent authority is not only a testament to current success, but also a promise of continued relevance and appreciation in the future. In their quiet authority lies a deep resonance that effortlessly stands the test of time.

5. Innovation and disruption

Silent authorities are always ready to do things differently. They are often disruptive or introduce completely new concepts that challenge conventional wisdom. This generates interest and questions, such as "Would it still be better if...?" Their success lies not in the noise they make, but in the quiet certainty of their contributions.

This approach to silent authority results in a gradual building of a reputation for competence and reliability. They are recognised as thought leaders in their field, similar to historical innovators who broke new ground and eventually set the standard. Their methods and principles often become the model others try to follow.

An example of a company that embodies innovation and disruption as a silent authority is the US company Tesla Motors, founded by Elon Musk. Tesla radically changed the auto industry at a time when fossil fuel was by far the predominant fuel, with the introduction of high-performance electric vehicles, and has been instrumental in this shift to electric driving.

Tesla's approach was disruptive; they challenged the traditional automotive sector by positioning electric cars not only as environmentally friendly options, but as technologically superior and desirable. This has led to a shift in the perception of electric cars, from niche to mainstream.

They do this, for example, by racing a Tesla Roadster against a Bugatti Chiron on the Monza cirquit, where it is immediately clear that a Tesla's performance is certainly not inferior.

Instead of focusing on large-scale marketing campaigns, Tesla has relied on the quality and innovation of their products to generate attention. Their success lies in the quiet certainty of their technological innovations and their ability to transform the automotive industry.

Tesla is now recognised as a leader and pioneer in electric vehicles, and their approach and technologies are often seen as the standard to which other companies aspire. Their ability to innovate and disrupt the industry, while staying true to their mission, makes them a powerful example of silent authority.

Another example of silent authority is Uber, although they made different choices later in their existence in terms of positioning. In most countries, the taxi business was a corrupt or disorganised mess with a hodgepodge of car offerings and prices. With 1 simple App, you could instantly see your price and be assured of a luxury taxi. How simple do you want a business idea to be?

The Uber App

In the early days of Uber, this app was only available via via, and once you could order an Uber, you really were the man.Of course, the lack of sufficient supply will also have contributed to this introduction choice, but the exclusivity for this disruptive business model was downright brilliant and made Uber a true silent authority.

The silent authority as thought leader

The silent authority approach results in a gradual building of a reputation for competence and reliability. It is not only the public that comes to recognise and appreciate these silent authorities for their qualities; competitors also see them as thought leaders in their field. Just as Steve Jobs' vision at the time was to give the computer a central place in the living room, an idea later adopted by many, the methods and principles of silent authorities often become the model that others try to copy.

In this role as thought leader, silent authorities influence both their audiences and their competitors. Their approach often becomes a blueprint for success in the industry. Others look to them for inspiration and guidance, and try to replicate elements of their success in the hope of achieving similar results.

In doing so, silent authorities not only create a lasting impact in their own companies, but also set the standard for the entire industry. Their influence extends beyond their immediate environment; they build a legacy of quality, integrity and innovation that inspires and motivates others.

The founders of leading project management and team communication platform Basecamp are Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson. They are known for their philosophy on work and corporate culture, which they have shared in their books, blogs and podcasts.

They emphasise themes such as work-life balance, avoiding unnecessary meetings and e-mails, and striving for a calm working environment. This approach has earned them not only a loyal following among users, but also respect and admiration in the wider business world.

So Basecamp's impact is not only found in their product, but also in their influence on modern working practices and corporate culture. Their silent authority is reflected in the way they consistently stick to their principles and values, making them a respected and enduring player in the technology industry as well as thought leaders.



Consciously choosing the path of silent authority is an act of courage and conviction. It is a choice that goes deeper than the superficial gloss of marketing strategies and focuses on the core values of authenticity, quality and integrity, combined with a clear vision.

At the heart of this choice lies an unwavering commitment to authenticity. Silent authorities choose to define themselves, their company or their products by their true content and character, not by the noisy echoes of external validation. This approach means abandoning the safety of conventional advertising and embracing a more authentic, albeit sometimes seemingly riskier, way of self-expression and presentation.

Prioritising quality and content over visibility and recognition requires a deep conviction in the value of one's own work. It requires confidence that true quality will eventually be recognised and appreciated, even if it is not always immediately visible or celebrated. It is a long-term investment in credibility and respect, which in practice will usually actually produce results sooner than the cry for attention.

This choice of silent authority also reflects a distancing from the superficial and often misleading world of aggressive self-promotion. Instead of joining a race for attention, silent authorities choose a path that leads to lasting relationships based on trust and mutual respect.

The path of silent authority is one of subtle influence and profound impact. It is a path not everyone chooses, but for those who do, it opens the door to a world of authentic connections and lasting appreciation. It is a choice that not only impacts the present, but also creates a legacy for the future.

The synergy between entrepreneur, company and product or service as silent authorities

The concept of silent authority can apply to both the entrepreneur, the company and the product or service. It implies that each of these elements can stand out through quality, authenticity and vision, without depending on excessive promotion or visible self-glorification.

When a company or a product/service is recognised as a silent authority, it means they prove their value through their performance and quality. This creates trust and respect among customers, partners and within the industry, and this is often associated with a degree of integrity and authenticity in business or product development.

However, when a company or product has built a reputation as a silent authority, the entrepreneur is often expected to also personally embody these values. This is because the entrepreneur is often seen as the face and driving force behind the company or product. As such, the entrepreneur is expected to reflect the values of the company or product to ensure credibility and consistency in the perception of external stakeholders.

On the other hand, when an entrepreneur himself is considered a silent authority, it does not necessarily mean that the company or product automatically has the same status. This is because an entrepreneur's reputation can be built through personal attributes, experiences and achievements that may be independent of the specific characteristics or success of the company or product.

Choose to communicate your vision as a leader

In the subtle art of silent authority lies a trap that can tempt even the most dedicated practitioners: the tendency to get bogged down in the details of a specific function or feature of a product, rather than focusing on the overarching vision and the broader impact the product or service has on its target audience. This is a subtle but crucial distinction in the way silent authorities communicate and present themselves.

Take Tony's Chocolonely, for example. This brand exemplifies how to stick to the principle of silent authority. They focus on conveying their mission: to fight unfair trading practices in the cocoa sector. They focus on the 'why' and the 'what' - why their mission is important and what they are doing to bring about change - rather than getting lost in the complex details of exactly how they pay fair prices to cocoa farmers.

This approach ensures that attention is not distracted by technical details but remains focused on the essence of their message and the impact of their work. It is this focus on the larger vision, coupled with the ability to prove that they deliver on their promises, that constitutes the strength and appeal of silent authorities.

This principle of silent authority is not limited to the field of sustainable chocolate production, but extends to all areas in which entrepreneurs and companies want to distinguish themselves through their values and their impact, rather than merely their product features. It is about focusing on the bigger picture, on the vision and values that underpin a company or product, and communicating these in a compelling way.

It is a delicate balance between informing your audience and maintaining the mystique and appeal of your brand. The trick is to say enough to build trust and credibility, without falling into the trap of excessive specificity that can undermine the magic of your message. Silent authorities know that sometimes it is more impactful to say less, but do so with more meaning.

The Enterprise as a Silent Authority

At the heart of this approach is the creation of an intriguing mystery around the enterprise. Instead of loudly proclaiming growth figures, number of employees or market dominance, silent authorities often deliberately keep these details in the background. This lack of overt self-promotion arouses a natural curiosity in the public: How was this success achieved? What makes this enterprise unique in a sea of competitors?

This curiosity is further fuelled by selectively communicating future visions and how the entrepreneur sees the market and its opportunities. By focusing on their long-term vision and its implications for customers and the market, they invite their audience to become part of a journey beyond the mundane. It is this vision, rather than their current performance, that attracts and retains customers.

This approach creates a sense of exclusivity and forward-thinking. Customers and partners feel attracted not only to the product or service, but also to the story and philosophy behind it. It makes them feel part of something big, something yet to be discovered. This feeling of 'almost missing something' is a powerful motivator. It drives engagement and creates a loyal customer base that seeks more than just a transaction; they seek an experience and a connection.

So silent authority is about generating interest without being pedantic. It is an art form where the power of suggestion and the power of vision go hand in hand. This approach shows that success in business does not always have to be loud; sometimes it is the quiet echo of authenticity and vision that leaves the deepest impression.

The Deeper Values and Vision of Products and Services

In today's market, where products and services are often judged by their price or functional features, the silent authority approach is distinguished by a focus on deeper values and long-term vision. This approach is not about loudly proclaiming how great a product or service is, but about representing a bigger idea, a vision of the future, and the way the product or service enriches people's lives and the world.

An example is a sustainable clothing line that focuses on ethical production and environmental awareness. Customers are attracted by the values the brand represents, and choose these clothes as an expression of their own beliefs and ideals.

A second example, illustrating the vision of a changing market, is the ROPO (Research Online, Purchase Offline) effect. Before this phenomenon was widely recognised, many retailers with franchisees feared that an online presence would cannibalise their physical shop sales. However, the view and now evidence that online research could actually lead to more offline purchases dispelled these fears. This insight showed that an integrated online and offline presence could actually increase sales, especially when products are viewed online and then purchased in the physical shop.

In both cases, it is not about aggressively promoting the product or service itself, but about telling a story and conveying a vision. This approach creates an emotional connection with the customer, with the product or service becoming a means of participating in a larger story or movement. It arouses curiosity and interest, not by focusing on the practical benefits, but by making the customer feel that they are part of a vision that matters and can impact their life in a positive way.

The silent authority of these products and services lies in their ability to look beyond the immediate and tangible, binding customers to a vision of the future and values that resonate with their personal beliefs and lifestyle. This is a powerful way to create loyalty and engagement in an increasingly saturated and competitive market.

Another example of an enterprise that symbolises a clear vision of the market and functions as a silent authority is the Dutch company Rituals Cosmetics, founded in 2000 by Raymond Cloosterman. Rituals has developed into an internationally renowned brand in the world of cosmetics and lifestyle through their unique approach to everyday routines.

Rituals is distinguished by their philosophy of turning daily routines into special rituals. Rather than focusing on aggressive marketing or emphatically promoting their product features, Rituals focuses on creating a unique and meaningful experience for the customer. Their products, from body and skincare to scented candles and teas, are presented as part of a larger story of well-being and finding happiness in the little things.

This approach has created a strong and loyal customer base that appreciates Rituals' holistic and emotional approach. The brand is more than just a cosmetics line; it embodies a lifestyle that focuses on mindfulness and enjoying life. With this vision, Rituals has created a deep and lasting connection with their target audience and positioned itself as a silent authority in the world of cosmetics and wellness.



In the world of marketing and business, there is often the urge to get results quickly, and this sometimes leads to the use of clever marketing tricks and seduction mechanisms. These techniques may seem effective at first glance and can indeed produce quick sales results. However, the silent authority approach can and often will deliver quick results as well, but with some significant long-term benefits.

Impact and sustainability as silent authority

Silent authorities focus on conveying a vision and values that have deeper meaning for their customers. This goes beyond just selling a product or service through fancy talk or discounts. It is about creating an emotional connection between the enterprise, the brand, the products and/or services and the customer.

This approach not only has an impact in the short term, but actually has a profound long-term impact on the perception of the buyer. You can temporarily bind someone to you through a nice loyalty card, discount, gifts or your speed of delivery, but this commitment is very superficial and copyable.

If the buyer can commit to what impact you make on society, the business sector or, say, the environment, whole other factors come into play that are much more sustainable and deep-rooted.

A colleague of mine lived in a big house and wanted her windows cleaned every month. The average window cleaner works with cleaning products that are not necessarily good for the environment, so she decided to look for a window cleaner who only works with natural products. About 80 kilometres away from her home, she found a company that did this, and now she pays extra for the travel costs and extra because purely natural cleaners take a little more time.

This is because they can commit to the mission and vision of this enterprise which is about leaving the earth cleaner than we got it at birth. No window cleaner can come between this with a discount or being able to work faster. Money and delivery time always lose out to a connection based on shared value in terms of impact and sustainability.


Loyalty and ambassadors of silent authorities

Silent authorities tend to build a loyal customer base. Customers feel connected to the brand's vision and values. They become not only buyers but also ambassadors who generate positive word-of-mouth. This leads to organic growth and a positive reputation, which is valuable in the long run.

We all know that boyfriend or girlfriend who knows how to find those bargains time and again and likes to share it with everyone. These too are ambassadors, but they are not stories that stick. Today the fish is cheaper at Pete's, and tomorrow the bread at Suzanne's, is not something that sticks for more than a day. Because silent authorities have a vision, are authentic and disruptive, there is a story to tell that does stick.

In the early years of the internet, Yahoo! and Altavista were the big players in search engines. These platforms were intelligently designed and offered a wealth of information, but they were also overloaded with links, news, ads and other elements that distracted from the actual search. Often, they did not deliver the results users were really looking for. Google broke this standard with a radically different approach.

Zoekresultaten in Google BETA

After entering a search on Google, users not only received results that were closer to their actual search intent, but these results were also presented in a simple, minimalist interface without all the extra fuss. It was not so much the improved search results that early Google supporters praised; it was mainly the clean, uncomplicated interface that impressed and created loyalty and ambassadors for having something new and special to tell.

Search results in Google after their world wide introduction

Price and margins of silent authorities

While brands using clever marketing tricks sometimes lower prices to sell quickly, silent authorities almost always maintain their price and thus margin. This is because customers are willing to pay (more) for a brand they believe in and trust. In the long run, this can result in significantly more profitability and thus continuity for the enterprise.

Because the products or services are disruptive, there is also no need to discount. That which is offered is better, offers more potential or is more beautiful, better for the environment or society or simply gives a better experience. Why would Tony Chocolonely give a discount when what they care about is a fair price for cocoa farmers in poor countries? Buyers want the services or products a silent authority has to offer and price sometimes does not even play a role in this.

By giving precisely no discounts, silent authorities exude a self-assurance that they stand for what they have to offer. Namely the best of the best and if you want to do it for something lesser, you can go to someone else. Often costs you less, but then you also get less, because everything has its price.

Dyson is a good example of innovation and disruption within the hoover industry that rarely if ever discounts. Their revolutionary technology where you don't need a hoover bag doesn't need a discount either.

When you buy a Dyson hoover, you know that over the lifetime of the device, you will save on the purchase of vacuum bags and never have reduced suction while vacuuming. You can also think of this as premium positioning as often I marketing terms, but it is actually being a silent authority.

Marketing costs of silent authorities

Silent authorities rely on word-of-mouth and the power of their vision, disruptive nature and therefore their reputation, which generally means they need to spend less on traditional marketing. This can make their approach more cost-effective in the long run. However, this does not have to be the case, as a silent authority's use of communication tools in other areas can also incur significant costs.

As a silent authority, you want to stay away from shouting and cheap marketing tricks, but you also don't want to go into a dark corner. This often requires a depth of investment that may not yield much in the beginning, but remains effective for much longer along the way.

An example of this is search engine optimisation, also known as SEO. Silent authorities can do a lot to be found within search engines with their vision and thinking, but there can be significant costs involved. This is because the content must meet certain content and quality standards and be significant in scope. In addition, it can take months to sometimes up to a year before articles, posts or videos that are not temporarily 'hip and happening' will rank for their content.


Shout and stand out or be a silent authority

Enterprises often face a crossroads of choices. On one side lures the lure of quick sales through the use of clever marketing tricks. On the other is the noble path of silent authority, which focuses on content, deeply held values and long-term relationships. These two paths seem parallel at first glance, but there is a conflict in their merging.

Imagine a brand that has carefully built an image as a silent authority. Their reputation is rooted in authenticity, reliability and an unwavering commitment to quality. Their customers value them not only for what they sell, but also for what they stand for. In this setting, the brand is not just another vendor; it is a trusted partner, a symbol of integrity.

However, one day, this brand, tempted by the lure of quick profits, decides to adjust its strategy. They start deploying aggressive marketing tricks, flashy offers and perhaps even exaggerated promises. Initially, it seems to be a success - sales rise, and the numbers light up green in the boardroom. But slowly the tide begins to turn.

Customers who were once loyal are starting to have doubts. They wonder: `Is this the same brand we trusted? Where have the values gone that once attracted us?" Marketing tricks, though effective in generating immediate sales, begin to show cracks in the brand's carefully constructed image. Once loyal customers feel alienated; they miss the authenticity and depth they once craved so much.

Short-term gains are overshadowed by a slower and subtler, but far more destructive process: the loss of trust and brand identity. The brand is now at a crossroads, facing the consequences of their choices.

This is exactly what Uber has done. From a simple and smart business model where the customer was guaranteed a decent car and driver for a reasonable price, you can now choose from a variety of cars because virtually anyone can become an Uber driver. I myself live a bit more rural and as a result, it is often questionable even whether the Uber will show up after the order is confirmed. Many a time I saw the Uber on my Smartphone turn around halfway through the ride on its way to pick me up.

What Uber has also switched to is trying to entice me a few times a week to order something via Uber-eat. So where it was once an exclusive service, of which you were lucky to be part of the community, it has now become a cheap marketing machine. That is not necessarily a bad thing, by the way, as their revenue was around 37 billion in 2023, which is a tenfold increase in eight years.



It is a fallacy to think that silent authorities are by definition silent. In reality, it is not about the lack of communication, but its frequency, nature and tone. Silent authorities do not shout about their achievements, do not constantly shout how great they are, do not constantly ask for attention and do not use 'clever' marketing tricks to entice customers. Instead, they opt for a more subdued and authentic form of communication.

These enterprises and leaders certainly do speak, but their way of communicating is thoughtful and substantive. They choose to speak about their vision, values, and the impact they want to have on the industry they are in, their customers or society. Their message often focuses on sharing insights, telling stories that resonate with their target audience, and presenting their products or services as part of a bigger picture.

The strength of silent authorities lies in their ability to make a deeper connection with their audience. They build trust and respect by being consistent in their actions and demonstrating unwavering principles and commitment. Their communication is not focused on obtaining short-term gains, but on building long-term relationships with customers and partners.

Silent authorities almost always opt for a more subtle and sustainable communication approach, which often proves more effective in the long run. Their communications reflect a self-awareness and a clear understanding of their unique position and value, allowing them to build a loyal and engaged customer base. Consider Bang & Olufsen. They usually do not talk about price or image, and sound quality.

People know that you pay a bit more for Bang & Olufsen products and that the quality can be great. What they do talk about is their design. Although they have also recently come out with a cheaper range, all their communication is dominated by their aesthetic values and that is why the customer remains tied to the brand for a longer period of time.

How silent authorities talk about their achievements

Silent authorities have a unique way of talking about their performance. They make a clear distinction between different types of performance. On the one hand, there is financial and operational performance, such as: profitability, market share, or technical superiority. On the other hand, there is the impact the enterprise makes on the industry, people's daily lives and society as a whole. Silent authorities emphasise the latter category.

For example, brands like Rituals and Apple do not talk so much about their financial success or market dominance, but rather about the impact they have on the lifestyle and well-being of their customers. Their communications focus on the vision they have of the world or life and the value they add within that vision.

Profits, market share or technical superiority are always a result of the value added by silent authorities and that is exactly as it should be! That is why they prefer to talk about their vision, in what way they are disruptive and why their way of being, how they produce or deliver or why their raison d'être is important. The rest is secondary and fun for shareholders. After all, sales figures and market share do not bind customers. That is nice information for people who want to make money, but not for people who want and can make the world a nicer and better place.  



It should now be clear that silent authorities avoid the use of marketing gimmicks or cunning and aggressive sales techniques. Instead of noisy promotions and detailed explanations of every aspect of their product or service, these authorities focus on telling the larger story. They share their vision and explain how their products or services fit within that vision. This approach is less about selling a specific product and more about inviting customers to be part of a larger idea or way of life.

These companies provide clarity on the 'why' behind their products or services but do not immediately delve into all the technical details. Only when a customer shows interest will they provide more specific information. This creates a sense of curiosity and engagement with the customer, who is invited to discover and experience more.

This subtle yet effective communication strategy enables silent authorities to build a loyal customer base, based on shared values and a deeper understanding of what the company has to offer. It's an approach that demonstrates confidence in their products and in the intelligence of their customers.

The contrast in communication styles of two coaches

Imagine two coaches: Coach A and Coach B. Both are experienced and have an equal number of satisfied clients. However, their methods of communication are fundamentally different.

Coach A: The Extensive Narrator

Coach A takes the time to describe everything he offers in detail and at length online. He precisely explains how his coaching works, supports the effectiveness of his techniques, talks about the duration of the process, the various options available, and all possible outcomes. His approach is driven by the belief that customers must be fully informed in order to make a decision. His website and marketing materials are filled with information and specifications about his coaching style.

Wassili Zafiris Coaching, Training & Business Development

Coach B: The Vision-Driven Inspirer

On the other hand, Coach B chooses a more subdued approach. She shares her vision for coaching and explains how her style of coaching can enrich people's lives. She talks about the transformation her clients can expect, without getting bogged down in technical details. Her communication is concise; she mentions her rates, but primarily focuses on the 'why' behind her coaching. Her message is inspiring and leaves room for potential clients to become curious for more.

Jungle Birds Wise Leadership Coaching

The impact of both communication styles

Coach A's approach can be effective for clients who seek detailed information before making a commitment. However, this style can sometimes be overwhelming and lack essential appeal. Coach B, on the other hand, with her concise, vision-focused communication, generates more mystique and self-confidence. Her style invites curiosity and builds a potential connection from her vision, rather than just her services.

This contrast illustrates that silent authority is not the only path to success but is a method commonly used by successful enterprises worldwide. It's about instilling confidence in your own vision and value without needing to explain or defend every detail. The power of suggestion and creating a connection based on shared values and beliefs can be just as effective, if not more so.

Coach B's approach is an example of how successful enterprises often operate. They leverage the power of their vision and the impact they want to have, rather than getting lost in the technical details of their offerings. This approach attracts customers who feel connected to the larger message and want to be part of the journey that the brand or business represents.

It's important to remember that every potential customer is different. Some may prefer Coach A's detailed approach, while others are drawn to Coach B's suggestive and vision-driven style. The art lies in knowing which communication style best suits your brand and your target audience and how to effectively use it to achieve your goals.



Silent authorities not only opt for a different form of communication but also choose different communication channels that better suit their subtle and substantive approach. These channels are often more focused on sharing knowledge and conveying their vision. Thus, one would not receive a promotional flyer or a thick, beautifully designed brochure in the mail from such companies. Instead, they utilise channels where they know people are willing to delve into what lies behind the service or product. 

Opinion Pieces and Public Speaking

Silent authorities employ a subtle strategy to reinforce their role as thought leaders. Although they often write opinion pieces for reputable publications or professional journals, they sometimes also ensure in a refined way that it appears as if they were asked to do so. This approach strengthens their image as thought leaders in their field because it suggests that their insights and expertise are actively sought by leading platforms. Their opinion articles provide a stage to share their unique vision and insights with an audience that values depth and quality.

Moreover, silent authorities often seem to be invited to public speaking events, such as conferences or webinars. In reality, they ensure, especially in the beginning, that they create these opportunities themselves. For example, by leveraging their network or utilising their reputation as an expert. These appearances allow them to share their message in an authentic and personal way, and the effect is twofold:

  1. It reinforces their position as authoritative voices in their field.

  2. It enables them to communicate directly with their target audience, further increasing their credibility and influence.

This strategic approach to communication and visibility helps create a perception of authority and expertise. Not through noisy self-promotion but by tactfully and purposefully managing their presence in the public sphere. The result is a stronger, more credible, and more influential image that resonates with their target audience.

Slack and Stewart Butterfield

Stewart Butterfield is an entrepreneur known for his innovative approach to business communication. He was one of the co-founders of Slack, a popular communication platform for teams, and has had a profound impact on how people collaborate in the modern business world.

Butterfield understood that traditional emails and chat systems were not always efficient for team communication. He had a vision to create a platform that would enhance the productivity and collaboration of teams. What set him apart was not just the technology behind Slack but also his ability to communicate this vision compellingly.

He utilized opinion pieces and interviews to share his thoughts on the future of work and communication. Butterfield emphasized the importance of seamless communication, reducing email overload, and promoting direct collaboration among team members. He also highlighted the social aspect of work and how Slack enabled teams to interact with each other in a more human way, even remotely.

By communicating his vision in a clear and inspiring manner, Stewart Butterfield quickly garnered attention and built credibility. Teams began using Slack because they understood its value and had confidence in the company's mission. This led to Slack's rapid adoption as an essential tool for team communication and collaboration.

Stewart Butterfield's approach to sharing his vision illustrates the principle of silent authority. He didn't shout about the technical details of Slack but instead spoke about its impact and benefits for teams. This made him not only a successful entrepreneur but also a thought leader in the world of business communication.

Writing a book

Publishing a book is a common strategy used by silent authorities to share their expertise and vision. An interesting aspect of this is that some of these leaders hire a ghostwriter to write their book. These ghostwriters assist in shaping the individual's ideas and experiences into a coherent and engaging narrative. The book, although technically written by someone else, is published under the name of the authority. This contributes to the personal and authentic image they wish to project.

Take, for example, figures like Richard Branson and Steve Jobs. Multiple books have been published under their names. These books delve deeply into their personal philosophies, business strategies, and the impact they have had on their industries. The books reinforce their status as visionary leaders, even though they are not always personally written by them. The use of a ghostwriter is a practical choice, given the limited time and writing skills a busy leader sometimes has.

By publishing these books, these leaders position themselves as experts and inspirers in their field. It gives them a platform to present their ideas and life story in a structured and thoughtful manner. These books also create opportunities to be invited for interviews, podcasts, and book presentations, where they can further elaborate on their vision and experiences.

Thus, writing and publishing a book is more than just sharing knowledge; it's a strategic move that contributes to personal brand building and establishing authority in their field. It's a clever way for silent authorities to extend their influence and leave a lasting impression on their audience.

This may seem straightforward, but filling a book with relevant, inspiring, and visionary information requires genuine expertise. It's not as if the ghostwriter will invent this for the silent authority. This person merely assists in logically constructing the story that needs to be told and in choosing the writing style. 

Publishing research articles and whitepapers

When it comes to publishing research articles and whitepapers, it is common for silent authorities to engage professionals or interns for the actual writing tasks. This decision is often motivated by a lack of time, but it's important to emphasize that the silent authority indeed plays a crucial role in shaping the vision and content of these documents.

Despite the fact that the actual writing effort is outsourced, the silent authority remains intensively involved in the process. They ensure that the written content closely aligns with their own thoughts, beliefs, and the direction they wish to take within their field. In many cases, they provide the core ideas, research directions, and strategic insights that form the foundation of the article or paper.

Therefore, the decision to hire others to write these documents is not so much a sign of disinterest or lack of involvement. On the contrary, it is a strategic decision that allows for the production of high-quality content without neglecting other important tasks and responsibilities. At the same time, the silent authority ensures that the published works are a faithful reflection of their vision and expertise.

This process highlights the value that silent authorities place on quality and depth, even when they must delegate certain tasks. Their name on a research article or whitepaper is more than a formality; it is an affirmation of their involvement and approval of the content. This allows them to maintain and enhance their status as experts in their field, while simultaneously managing their time and energy efficiently.

Utilising SEO, Websites, and Social Media

The concept of silent authorities in marketing isn't about complete silence or avoiding communication with the outside world. On the contrary, it revolves around focused and strategic communication and carefully choosing channels to convey their message. This means they indeed utilise available communication tools such as SEO, websites, and social media, but in a way that aligns with their philosophy and approach.

The deployment of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) by silent authorities is a deliberate choice to ensure that their content is found by individuals seeking specific information or solutions. This might seem like a standard marketing technique, but for silent authorities, it's a way to add value to their audience. They ensure their articles and content rank high in search engines, not just by using popular keywords but by providing quality and relevant information that matches the search intentions of their audience.

On their websites and social media platforms, silent authorities opt for an approach that focuses more on content than direct promotion. Their websites are often informative, with articles, blogs, and videos that delve into their vision, expertise, and the value they offer. This content isn't primarily designed to sell products or services but to share insights and knowledge that visitors can value and utilise.

A similar approach follows on social media. Instead of constant advertisements or promotional posts, silent authorities share content that their audience finds substantively valuable. This can range from in-depth articles and case studies to inspiring quotes and insightful commentary on current topics. This strategy not only helps build a loyal and engaged audience but also strengthens their position as inspiring, trustworthy, and respected sources in their field.

Thus, the use of these digital channels by silent authorities isn't so much a marketing gimmick as a thoughtful way to offer genuine value to those seeking their expertise and insights. It's a testament to their commitment to quality and relevance, and an acknowledgment of the importance of strategic communication in the modern digital world.

Being Asked to Share Your Vision

A crucial element of the communication strategy of silent authorities is their ability to be invited to share their vision. This aspect of their strategy is both authentic and tactical. By being disruptive in their approaches and offering a unique vision, they create a certain mystique around their person or brand. This makes them a sought-after subject or individual for insight and inspiration.

This approach goes beyond merely publishing content. Silent authorities consciously choose to share their thoughts in a way that arouses interest and curiosity. When they write a book or publish quality content, they do so with a deeper intention. They aim not just to inform but also to inspire and challenge. This ensures that their work is not only appreciated but also sought after by others looking for innovative ideas and perspectives.

This approach enhances their credibility and authority in their field. As they are often invited to speak at events, participate in discussions, or give interviews, they are increasingly viewed as thought leaders. Their presence in these forums confirms their status and allows them to set the standard in their field.

It is this combination of authentic vision, strategic communication, and the ability to inspire others that sets silent authorities apart. They are not merely experts; they are pioneers influencing the direction of conversations and developments in their field. Their influence extends beyond their immediate network; they shape perceptions and understanding across their entire industry or domain.

This strategy contributes to a natural growth of their influence and audience. Rather than promoting themselves, silent authorities let their work and vision speak for themselves. This builds a stronger, more meaningful connection with their audience, ensuring significant long-term success and influence.

John Foley and Peleton

Peloton, founded by John Foley, is an excellent example of a company that quickly captured media attention due to their innovative approach to home workouts. John Foley and his team introduced a unique concept that brought fitness into the home through technology. This concept quickly became a topic of conversation in both fitness and entrepreneurial circles.

Peloton site with equipment & trainings

What set Peloton apart was their integration of advanced technology into the fitness experience. They developed high-quality stationary bikes and treadmills with built-in screens that allowed users to follow live or on-demand workout sessions, led by experienced instructors. This brought the gym experience directly into people's living rooms.

The media was intrigued by the potential of this approach and frequently invited John Foley for interviews and discussions about the future of home workouts and technology in the fitness industry. His vision to make fitness more accessible and engaging for a broad audience was inspiring and relevant to many.

The story of Peloton spread rapidly, not just because of their technological innovation but also due to the passion and determination of the team to bring about positive change in how people exercise. This resulted in a loyal community of users and contributed to Peloton's commercial success.

Organising Events or Conferences

When you think of an event or conference, you might immediately picture a room full of people with a stage. However, the way many silent authorities approach this is much subtler. For example, by organising dinners with like-minded individuals who wish to meet each other.

The Unified Commerce Platform developer, New Black, is such a silent authority. Their platform and approach are unique, offering an alternative to the hopelessly outdated and cumbersome ERP systems. They primarily operate within the retail sector, replacing the complete infrastructure, including websites and cash register systems. Their solution is sold by Apple, among others, because it allows Apple to also supply the necessary hardware.

Home page of New Black - Cut the Crap.

Their methodology involves regularly organising dinners worldwide, inviting executives from retailers. High-ranking individuals from Apple are also present, promoting New Black and their philosophy. Thus, New Black is (rightly) highly praised, and the evening revolves around the trends and developments within the market that New Black adeptly taps into.

This way of bringing people together has several advantages:

  • The entire evening is dedicated to the vision and philosophy of the silent authority without resorting to self-glorification.

  • By managing to bring such individuals together, your esteem rises because they all come from your network and for you.

  • New connections are made, and if these individuals meet again, the name of the silent authority will likely be mentioned again in a positive light.

  • Because there is so much talk, often with admiration about the silent authority, and other attendees embrace the philosophy, thought leadership is established.



Being a silent authority is a powerful communication and positioning strategy, but it's important to acknowledge that it's not suitable for every brand, individual, or industry. There are limits and specific characteristics of certain businesses and sectors that make this approach less effective.

Being a silent authority is about subtlety, authenticity, and building trust without aggressive marketing. Therefore, it may be less suitable in situations where brand recognition, constant visibility, and striking or aggressive advertising are crucial for attracting and retaining customers.

Accessibility and brand recognition

In certain industries, such as fast food and soft drinks, accessibility and brand recognition are vital. Consumers must have quick and easy access to products. Brands like McDonald's and Coca-Cola must rely on recognizable logos and eye-catching advertising to grab consumers' attention.

This is partly due to the high level of competition. Even if McDonald's is your favorite, if you're driving on the highway, are hungry, and see a KFC sign, there's a good chance you'll take the exit. Unless there's also a sign indicating that there's a McDonald's in 5 kilometers. Then, there's a good chance you'll endure those extra 5 kilometers and continue to fight your hunger.

In the case of Coca-Cola, an additional factor is their placement within supermarkets and, for example, gas stations, directly next to their competitors. You feel like having a soft drink, and if Fanta is more prominently displayed through more bottles on the shelf or large banners, the consumer might be tempted to buy a Fanta instead of a bottle of cola. Thus, clamoring for attention on the shop floor is crucial for soft drink manufacturers to maintain their sales.

Price promotion as a strategy

Companies that compete on price, such as Walmart and Aldi, must constantly highlight the lowest prices to attract customers. Price-conscious consumers are often in search of the best deals, and these brands need to actively advertise the cheapest prices to stay competitive.

While a large portion of consumers prefer to shop at one of the supermarkets out of habit or because it happens to be closer, price can make a significant difference. Fruits and vegetables are fruits and vegetables and do not differ from one supermarket to another. In Europe, Aldi is known for its low prices when it comes to these items, and therefore many consumers go to their nearest supermarket for regular groceries but make a special trip to Aldi for fruits and vegetables.

The same phenomenon is observed in, for example, toy store chains or the clothing industry. Both are highly dependent on the seasons. Some toy stores, for example, generate up to 80% of their annual sales in the festive month of December. In the remaining months, you often see entire facades covered with discount stickers and special promotions, because otherwise, no one would visit the store, other than for a birthday gift.



If you want to become a silent authority, several foundational components are crucial. Without these, the chance of success is very slim. There's never a guarantee of success, but that's inherent to entrepreneurship. Carefully determining your strategy and following all the steps greatly increases your chances.

Step 1: A Disruptive Vision

You can only be considered an authority when you have an exceptional amount of knowledge on a specific topic and develop a clear, innovative, and inspiring vision. It is, therefore, essential to first define your vision and clarify the goal or purpose it serves.

This involves answering questions such as:

  • What sets your approach, production, product, or service apart from what is already on the market?

  • Why is there a need for it?

  • What is lacking or what are the shortcomings in the current offerings?

It is also important to indicate the knowledge and skills you possess that make you a thought leader. Moreover, it is crucial that the vision is inspiring.

However, this inspiration can lead to many setbacks, especially initially, since most people resist innovations, particularly if they are unproven. Initially, nobody was waiting for Steve Jobs' innovative designs, and Richard Branson nearly lost his company Virgin when he founded Virgin Atlantic without consulting the financing bank. The bank did not see a market for luxury flights and immediately stopped financing.

Who would have thought 20 years ago that it would be possible to challenge all the telecom companies in the world with an app? WhatsApp believed in this, just as Uber was convinced that they could dominate the global taxi industry with an app. Don't think for a moment that everyone was enthusiastic when the founders first presented their idea.

Bedenk dat dit proces een balans tussen realisme en veerkracht vereist. Enerzijds is een realistische kijk essentieel, omdat zelfs jij niet altijd met zekerheid kunt voorspellen of je visie succesvol zal zijn. Anderzijds vraagt het om een robuuste weerbaarheid en onwrikbaar doorzettingsvermogen.

Stap 2: Content creatie

Determine the messages you want to convey and through what type of communication they are most informative, inspiring, and curiosity-inducing, so that you have the best chance of reaching your intended audience. This is not yet about choosing the channels you will use but about the content of your message and how you want to present it.

Imagine if EasyJet were to do this, something like the following might emerge.

EasyJet offers the cheapest way to fly through Europe, without unnecessary extras. Our model is simple: flying is about getting from A to B, nothing more and nothing less. Want more? That's possible, but with us, you only pay for what you use. This keeps travel affordable for everyone.

We choose only short flights and save on unnecessary hotel costs. Our efficient scheduling means no expensive overnight stays for the crew, which lowers costs and passes the savings on to the consumer.

EasyJet was the first to adopt this business model and has become very successful with it. In hindsight, one might wonder why no one came up with this idea earlier because it seems too simple for words.

Step 3: Communication Channel Choices 

Now that you know what you want to say, it's time to choose which channels you want to use and how. Do you want to be invited to podcasts, live performances, write a book, be found through SEO, or have other ways to let people come into contact with your story?

The trick is to have as many other people talk about you as possible, but first, they need to know what you have to say. The choices you make here depend on your available time, network, budget, and talents. If you're very good at speaking on camera, your own YouTube channel may be obvious, but if you're good at writing, SEO or your own book might be a better choice.

It may also be that your product speaks for itself. In this case, many silent authorities choose to reach a specific target group who then set the trend. For example, Converse All Stars were originally designed as basketball shoes in the early 20th century but became a cultural icon in the rock 'n' roll and punk rock communities of the 70s and 80s. Only after that did they break through, and now they're an indispensable part of street fashion.

Another method is to build a network of partners who will talk about you as a silent authority. These can be blogs as well as business partners who have an interest in bringing you as a person, the enterprise, or your product or service to the public's attention.

Step 4: The Do's & Don'ts of a Silent Authority

Once you're in the process of rolling out your strategy, it can be easy to forget exactly what you did and did not want to do. Moreover, it's also useful to write this down so that everyone working with or for you also knows what the rules of the game are.

An example of these rules of the game could be:



Focus on quality

Minimal focus in external communication on financial and operational performance

Inspire rather than manipulate

Avoid excessive self-promotion

Aim for curiosity and mystique

Detail what you do, how you do it, and why you do it.

Aim for long-term impact and connection

Chase short-term gains at the expense of long-term values

Embrace innovation and disruption

Forget to be authentic


In today's increasingly loud world, where everyone is vying for attention, the path of the silent authority offers a refreshing and sustainable alternative. It's a path that isn't about seeking the spotlight but about earning respect and influence through authenticity, quality, and integrity. Silent authorities prove that true leadership isn't about being the loudest in the room but about having a profound impact and inspiring others to bring out their best.

Becoming a silent authority is no easy task. It requires patience, perseverance, and an unwavering commitment to your vision and values. But the rewards are substantial. By becoming a silent authority, you're not just building a sustainable brand or business; you're also creating a legacy that will stand the test of time.

You don't have to be the next Steve Jobs or Elon Musk. It's about feeling comfortable with what you do and how you do it. Becoming a silent authority isn't the only path, but it's a way that is rapidly gaining popularity because of the positive impact it can have if you succeed. Doors will open for you that otherwise would remain closed, and people will be eager to work with and for you. And those are just a few of the benefits!

Silent Authority Coaching & Mentorship

If you want to learn more about becoming a silent authority or have already decided and are seeking guidance, our offerings in this area can be found at, where you can choose from various programs.

FAQ: Understanding Silent Authority

What is a Silent Authority?

A Silent Authority refers to an individual or organization that achieves influence and respect through authenticity, quality, and integrity, rather than aggressive marketing or self-promotion.

How does one become a Silent Authority?

Becoming a Silent Authority involves developing a disruptive vision, creating impactful content, making strategic communication channel choices, and adhering to the do's and don'ts that emphasize authenticity and long-term value over short-term gains.

Why is being a Silent Authority beneficial?

It allows for the building of a sustainable brand or personal image based on trust and respect, rather than fleeting attention. It fosters long-term connections and can create a legacy that transcends temporary trends.

Can anyone become a Silent Authority?

While the principles of becoming a Silent Authority are accessible to many, success in this path requires dedication to one's vision and values, resilience in the face of challenges, and a commitment to integrity and quality.

What are the core principles of a Silent Authority?

The core principles include embracing innovation and disruption, inspiring rather than manipulating, seeking long-term impact and connection, and avoiding excessive self-promotion.

Is the Silent Authority approach suitable for all industries?

While effective across many sectors, the Silent Authority approach may not be ideal in environments where brand recognition and visibility through traditional advertising are crucial for success.

How do Silent Authorities handle competition?

Instead of competing on noise level or advertising spend, Silent Authorities focus on differentiating themselves through unique value propositions, quality of service or product, and by cultivating genuine community engagement.

What challenges do Silent Authorities face?

Challenges can include overcoming the market's resistance to new ideas, maintaining integrity in a competitive landscape, and ensuring their message reaches the intended audience without traditional advertising.


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Oosteinderweg 129

1432 AH Aalsmeer 

The Netherlands

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