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The Great Climate Deception: A Critical Look at Global Warming

Writer's picture: Ben SteenstraBen Steenstra

Global warming is a hoax, and Al Gore and his followers have misled everyone who believes in the danger of climate change. It has become a billion-dollar industry that too many people profit from, and therefore the climate madness will not be unmasked anytime soon. These are not my words, but some conclusions in the recently released documentary 'Climate, The Film - The Cold Truth'.

Finally, the facts about climate change is coming to the surface. 

The documentary, written and directed by British filmmaker Martin Durkin, is a follow-up to his earlier work named 'The Great Global Warming Swindle'. Whether you believe the Earth is warming and we as humans are responsible for it or not, you must see this documentary. For the climate change deniers, because you get arguments why it is not as bad as claimed, and for the climate activists, because your eyes might well be opened at some points.

The documentary begins with the hysterical words spoken by the Swedish girl who was screaming and crying at one of the climate conferences, and whose name I will not mention. She was and is still too young to understand what is happening and is being exploited by adults for their own purposes. It had an impact on some. I find it downright sad for her and the people who are affected by it.

Then a series of prominent scientists speak, explaining step by step how numbers (so-called facts) do not add up or are misinterpreted. They explain that it is not CO2 that affects the temperature, but rather the other way around, among many other facts.

The prominent scientists in 'Climate, The Film - The Cold Truth' 

The prominent scientists include Professor Steven Koonin (author of ‘Unsettled’, former provost and vice-president of Caltech), Professor Dick Lindzen (former professor of meteorology at Harvard and MIT), Professor Will Happer (professor of physics at Princeton), Dr. John Clauser (winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2022), Professor Nir Shaviv (Racah Institute of Physics), Professor Ross McKitrick (University of Guelph), Willie Soon, and several others.

What these scientists do incredibly well is not just refute the narrative, but they also explain how scientists who bring the facts to light - facts that have refuted the narrative many times before - are completely ignored. They lose their funding, status, or job, or are simply not allowed to publish because it does not align with the narrative. Even though these are peer-reviewed facts!

Examples that prove we do not have a climate or CO2 problem

  • Almost every period within the last 65 million years was warmer than now. 

  • In England, temperatures have been measured since 1650, and those measurements indicate that the temperature has risen by only 1 degree. 

  • Measurements show that the temperature in Central Park, New York, has not changed on average since 1940. 

The influence of the location of weather stations 

Then there is a chart that I could never quite explain and that opened my eyes. This chart is about the warming that has been measured and proven since 1880 and clearly shows that there is a significant rise. This chart is completely refuted by Professor Ross McKitrick, who is an expert in statistical analyses. What's going on here?

The measuring instruments are mainly located in urban areas that were not urban before. This is important because the presence of many people, the use of asphalt, and large buildings have a huge influence on the temperature. Not so much outside this area, but specifically in the city itself.

This is a well-known phenomenon called the Urban Heat Island Effect. If you do the same measurements with only the measuring equipment placed in rural areas, there appears to be virtually no warming. In fact, the temperature from 1880 to 1940 rose slightly, then decreased until the 1970s and then rose again by half a degree. So, there is no problem at all. 

Measurements at sea and from space provide a different picture.

That urbanization affects how we measure, but does not say anything about human impact on the climate, is also evident from measurements from space and at sea. These measurements are not disturbed by the Urban Heat Island Effect.

It turns out that the land and sea measurements run parallel until about 1900, and then the graph used so far with land measurements rises much more sharply than the sea measurements. Measurements that, by the way, do correspond with the graph from non-urban weather stations.

The same is evident from measurements from space in recent decades. It is therefore complete nonsense that the Earth is warming due to human actions. Arrogance and naivety to the extreme, according to the scientists. A fabricated hoax.

Tree, ice, and rock measurements refute the climate madness 

The famous and acclaimed scientists also address tree, ice, and rock measurements and repeatedly prove that temperature fluctuations are of all times and that we are now actually in a colder, but also milder period.

No scientific research indicates that there is anything wrong, and they even cite official reports from renowned government agencies. The governments are therefore well aware that there is no climate or CO2 problem.

Why do governments have an interest in the climate hoax?

All scientists from the documentary 'Climate, The Film - The Cold Truth' agree on two things: governments have deliberately steered towards the climate hoax, and the interest is total control over citizens. Thanks to the climate hoax, they can determine what someone eats, drinks, buys, how often they travel, and much more. A fabricated enemy makes people solidary and submissive.

Whether I want to agree with this statement, I do not yet know. I believe that factors such as group dynamics, stupidity, system errors, and coincidental convergence of circumstances can also play a role, leading so many people to wrongly believe that there really is a problem with our climate. But their claim cannot be dismissed, and that alone is an extra reason to immediately watch this amazing documentary.


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